Internal Software Development Project

As a software developer in Cornwall, with an ever-growing client base, it was time  for me to build a software solution  that could help to automate my business internally. The requirement for the system was that it had to be integrated seamlessly with various API’s and automatically process the data by triggering certain actions.

At scheduled times, the systems connect to various API’s to retrieve and download the latest transactions, processing them using a custom rule-based system. This results in the various expenses being generated and assigned to certain projects and budgets automatically. This has already saved a large percentage of time.

The sending and receiving of emails, are also processed into the system and assigned to clients. A process is then triggered that analyses and profiles the sentiment and tone of the messages. This allows the system to generate a profile of whether the client is positive or neutral with their communications, combined with information such as the duration of time it takes for a client to pay their invoices.

This system is already saving me large amounts of time in various areas, from client management to managing invoices and projects. If you are looking for a software development in Cornwall, then feel free to contact me to discuss your software idea. Click here to find out how to contact me.

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Working with Dean has been an integral part of the re-design, branding and continuous marketing of Bude and developments to the VisitBude website.  He is consistently able to take our brief and work his magic in creating a strong, impactful result that has seen positive feedback from locals and visitors to the area. We continue to work with Dean on numerous projects and value his input when required.

Mark - Director, Bude Area Tourist Board Ltd.